1. with what topics is the passage primarily concerned?
D. Characteristic of protozoans
2. the word minute in paragraf 1 could best be a replaced by ?
D. very small
3. what is protoplasm ?
C. a primitive animal similiar to a protozoan
4. what does the author mean by the statement they are fantastically diverse, but three major groups may be identified on the basis of their motility ?
B. everything we know about the proyozoans is tied into their manner of movement.
5. to which class of protozoans do the amoeba belong?
C. sarcodina
6. what the purpose of the large nucleus in the ciliata?
C. it regulates growth.
7. why are protozoans classified as animal ?
A. they do not live on simple organics compounds.
8. they word they in paragraf 3 refers to ?
A. protozoans
9. which of the following statements is not true of protozoans ?
C. they have a large cell and a smaller cell.